paper heart on light pink background

Ben is an insightful and intelligent instructor. His assigned readings provoked good discussions. He helped me understand certain elements of craft that I previously overlooked. I enjoyed his commentary and personality, as well as his lectures.

∯ Paula B.

Astronaut clipart, cartoon character illustration

Ben gave very sharp and astute feedback on our work. I learnt a lot from his close reading of mine and my classmates’ work.

∯ Yuting S.


I received comprehensive feedback/critique of my submissions. Ben definitely took the time to read and understand the stories, with constructive suggestions for improvement.

∯ Sourav C.

Jean Jacques Fayet, Bishop of Orléans

I’m new to fiction writing; Ben made the class fun and interactive.

∯ Tzivia MW.

Colorful flower pattern, Examples of Chinese

Ben is organized, kind, and thorough. His lectures are of a high caliber, and he always makes time for writing prompts in class which has been crucial to my development.

∯ Joseph H.